2024 Clinics and Exams

Greetings Alpine Officials!  You can sign up for an Alpine Official update or for an in-person certification clinic on this page. If you are already an Alpine Official then you will need to get an update every other year in order to stay current.  The update years that are current for this season are 2024 and 2025.  If your last update was prior to that, then you should register for an update!  Technical Delegates and Race Administrators are required to attend an update annually.

If you are interested in a new certification then you will need to attend an in-person clinic, go through the presentation and then take a test. New certifications and upgrades from one level to the next level will be processed on the 1st of every month.

We ask that everyone be patient if your AO information is not yet up to date.  There could be some gaps from the transfer of data from the old website to our new one.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact IMD Alpine Officials Chairman, Gil Denis at gil@imdalpine.org.



AO in-person clinics

Date Classification Time Host & Reg Link
Monday, Oct. 28th Ref- Troy Price 5:00-8:00 SBN
Tuesday, Oct. 28th Ref- Will B./Charlotte G. 5:30-8:30 SVSEF
Saturday, Nov. 9th Ref.- Bridger Call 9:00-12:00 SB
Saturday, Nov. 9th Ref.- Gil Denis 9:00-12:00 JH
Saturday, Nov. 16th Ref.-Tommy Eckfeldt 9:00-12:00 UOP
  RA- Becky Stone    
  T and C- Jason Smith    
Saturday, Dec. 14th TD Update- Gil Denis 9:00-5:00 SBN
Saturday, Dec. 14th RA Update- Becky Stone 9:00-5:00 SBN


AO Updates via Zoom

Date Classification Time Host & Zoom Link
Wednesday, Nov. 13th Update 5:30-7:30 REGISTER HERE
Saturday, Nov. 23rd Update 9:00-11:30 REGISTER HERE
Saturday, Dec. 7th Update 9:00-11:30 REGISTER HERE
Tuesday, Dec. 17th Update 5:30-7:30 REGISTER HERE