The Utah Olympic Park and Park City ski team hosted several Alpine Official clinics on Oct. 22. Thank you to all who participated.
Thank you to the UOP for use of their fantastic facility.
All sessions will begin at 9 a.m. at the UOP. Please RSVP at
The UOP clinic specialty area clinics being taught are:
Instructors: Tommy Eckfeldt, Stephen Schowengerdt
Chief of Race
Instructor: Jason Lance
Race Administration
Instructor: Becky Stone
Advanced Timing and Calculations
Instructor: Jason Smith
Both Level 1 and Level 3 tests will be available.
The clinics will run concurrently and testing will follow for each specialty area course taught on that day.
Please be prepared when you show up for your course and testing with a copy of the Alpine Competition Rules, paper and pens or pencils.
You must be an Alpine Official member of U.S. Ski & Snowboard to take these courses and test. If you are a new AO with no classifications you must also complete the Competition Official course and quiz before you can attend a specialty area clinic ad test. You can download the CO course and quiz here:
If you are looking for an Update & Review training session, visit the link below to sign up:
All Update & Review training sessions in IMD are via Zoom this season.