Month: January 2020

Northern Michigan University seeks head alpine coach

Northern Michigan University has announced the addition of a varsity level alpine ski team (men and women) intending to compete at the USCSA level beginning in 2020-21. NMU is activity searching for a head coach to help launch alpine skiing as a varsity sport. The position vacancy announcement may be found on the NMU human resource website.

Please consider sharing this information with the coaches in your respective regions. I believe NMU human resources is intending to advertise the position in the Ski Racing Magazine Classifieds section and on the USSS website in the Career Opportunities section.

I am hoping that the USSS Regional Development Directors would be willing to spread the word and help us promote alpine skiing at the collegiate level. NMU intends to have athletes competing in regional and national USCSA, USSS, and FIS competitions.

Thanks for your consideration and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Chris Kirk, MS, ATC

Associate Professor / Clinical Coordinator

Northern Michigan University

1401 Presque Isle Avenue

Marquette, MI 49855


Bryce Astle Leader Bib Standings

Hey Gang,

So far we have had the Sean Nurse race series that scores in the Bryce Astle Intermountain Cup.  Here are the standings going into the IMC U16 Q in Snowbird this weekend.
1. Bridger Harrison- JHSC- 300pts.
2. Grant Hagen- JHSC- 212pts.
3. Brendan Friberg- PCSS- 190pts.
1. Elisabeth Bocock- RM- 260pts.
2. Maylia Lohman- JHSC- 250pts.
3.Madison Kaiserman-PCSS- 230pts.
Good Luck in Snowbird this weekend!!!

New North, South and YSL series rules reminder

As a reminder going into this weekend we have new rules in the North/South and YSL Races.
Here is an excerpt from the Handbook:

New Rules for North/South Athletes

  • There is a 1 pair of skis rule at all North and South races.  Athletes may only have one pair of skis in the race venue.
  • North and South athletes may not use fluorinated waxes during North and South races
  • Athletes caught breaking the rules will be disqualified.

There was much discussion on how we would enforce these rules and the consensus was that we believe that our coaches and clubs would be the best people to monitor this.  If there is a blatant infraction then the race jury will disqualify competitors.

Please make sure all of your athletes abide by these new rules.
