Month: October 2018

Snowbird Referee AO clinic Nov. 4

Snowbird will hold a Referee clinic Sunday Nov. 4 at 8:30 a.m. in the Cliff Lodge Marco Polo Room.

Testing will be available in Referee and Jury Advisor.

Folks who are new to Alpine officiating, who have no classification in any of the specialty areas of officiating, must complete the required Online Competition Official course and exam available on Alpine 101. Attendees must also be Alpine Official members of U.S. Ski & Snowboard.

Be prepared with pen or pencil and paper for taking notes and have your Competition Guide with you for learning and testing purposes. The Comp Guide can be downloaded from this website and it is sent to AO members.

Please email Tami Strong,, to let them know you are coming and your area of interest.

Sun Valley RF clinics Nov. 17 and 18

Sun Valley will offer two Alpine official clinics targeting Referees and Jury Advisors.

An update for currently ranked Referees and Jury Advisors (Start and Finish Referees), will be held on Nov. 17, (note time change) 4:30 p.m. at River Run Lodge. Testing will not be offered at this session. New officials, those with no ranking in Referee or Jury Advisor, should not attend this course.

A Referee and Jury Advisor course will be held on Nov. 18, 5 p.m., at the SVSEF Training Center. Testing will be offered at this session.

For both training sessions, shoot an email to Riley Berman,, at SVSEF to let him know which session you will attend.

If you are new to officiating, you must complete the mandatory Online Competition Official course and test. You can download the course and test from Once you have completed the test, email it back to IMD Alpine Officials Chairman Stephen Schowengerdt,

You may also want to visit the Alpine 101 Forums,, to grab the Referee and Jury Advisor training material and get a jumpstart on the course.

Make sure you take a pad of paper, pens or pencils and your Comp Guide with you on the day of training. You will need them.

S.V. Chief of Race and Chief of Course clinics Dec. 5

Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation will hold two Alpine official training sessions on (note date change) Dec. 5 at 10:30 a.m. Chief of Race and Chief of Course will be held. Testing will be offered.

Let them know you are coming by shooting an email to Riley Berman,

If you are new to officiating, you must complete the mandatory Online Competition Official course and test. You can download the course and test from Once you have completed the test, email it back to IMD Alpine Officials Chairman Stephen Schowengerdt,

You may also want to visit the Alpine 101 Forums,, to grab the Chief of Course and Chief of Race training material and get a jumpstart on the course.

Make sure you take a pad of paper, pens or pencils and your Comp Guide with you on the day of training. You will need them.

Jackson T&C clinic Nov. 10

Jackson will hold a Timing & Calculations Level 1 clinic November 10, 9 a.m., at the ski club training center.

Please let them know you are coming by shooting an email to Sue Bybee,

If you are new to officiating, you must complete the mandatory Online Competition Official course and test. You can download the course and test from Once you have completed the test, email it back to IMD Alpine Officials Chairman Stephen Schowengerdt,

You may also want to visit the Alpine 101 Forums,, to grab the T&C training material and get a jumpstart on the course.

Make sure you take a pad of paper, pens or pencils and your Comp Guide with you on the day of training. You will need them.

Testing for Level 1 Timing & Calculations will be offered.

Jackson also has a Referee, Jury Advisor AO clinic scheduled for Nov. 17. Click here to see that announcement.


Snowbasin AO clinic Nov. 11

Snowbasin will hold an Alpine Officials clinic on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018.

The Update and Review, Referee/Jury Advisor and Race Administration will be taught and testing will follow.

Full details and agenda are attached below.

If you are new to Alpine officiating, make sure you download the mandatory Competition Officials course, complete the attached test and email it to You will find the OL CO course in Alpine 101.

Click here to sign up for the clinic.

Here are the details:  Snowbasin AO clinic 2018

Check out the Alpine 101 Forums when you go looking for study guides and training material.

Last chance: Rowmark AO clinic Jan. 7

Rowmark will host the final Intermountain Division Alpine Officials Clinic of the 2018-19 season on Monday,  January 7, 2019. 

U.S. Ski & Snowboard Alpine Officials who are certified as Technical Delegate, Referee, Jury
Advisor, Chief of Race, and Chief of Course, Timing & Calculations & Race Administrators are
required to attend Continuing Education Clinic every two years. This clinic will specialize in
preparing coaches who are interested in serving as a Referee.

If you are new to officiating and plan on attending this clinic for training and testing in
a specialty area, you will need to complete the online Competition Official course. Go to: to download the training material and test.

To get credit for completing the online CO course, sign the completed test and email to IMD
AO Chair Steve Schowengerdt at Please do this as soon as
possible so we are notified that you have passed and can continue your AO education at
this clinic.
Please complete your CO course by December 20th.

Here is the full clinic announcement: 2019 AO Clinic Agenda SLC

Youth coaches gain venue access

News item from the Alpine Officials Education Working Group Chair:

In today’s (10/12/2018) ASC conference an update was made regarding youth coaches (15-18). They will be allowed venue access as coaches.

  • Membership requirement is: Competitor or General Member
  • They must be under the supervision of a current member coach or official
  • Their venue access must be requested/signed for by the supervising current member coach or official
  • They may not serve as Jury member or Course Setter

U.S. Ski & Snowboard is working on the exact wording which will be included in the ACR Precisions, but we need to get the info out to Clinic Chairs.

Note: Instructors at IMD AO clinics, you need to be aware of this change. Prior to this, the requirement for coaches at events was 18 years old or older with a valid coaches license. As official training documents are updated they will be posted in the Alpine 101 Forums.

Here is a link to the protocol released 10/31/2018.


Check out the Alpine 101 Forums

The Alpine 101 Forums have launched.

This is a place to discuss ski racing and officiating, a place to learn and a place to help others with what you know.

You should create a login during your first visit so you can fully experience the forums.

Click here if you want to go check them out right now.

A link to the Alpine 101 Forums has been added to Community in the top menu bar and on the home page.

Here are some of the discussion areas you will find their and topics:

General non-AO-related area with the topics “Life After IMD” and “Newbie Questions and Answers”.

General Alpine Official-related area with the topics “First Steps” and “Medical Guide”.

Other areas of discussion are “Technical Delegates”, “Timing and Calculations”, “Race Administrator”, “Referee and Jury Advisor” and “Chief of Race”.

You will notice that the discussion areas are also being used as a vehicle for supplying AO training material.

Please feel free to recommend discussion areas. Once you are a registered forum user, you will be able to create topics in the discussion areas.

And, also, please let us know what you think of the forums.



Snowbird Timing Clinic Oct. 27-28

Timing Practical Education 

October 27th and 28th

Educators: Vince Romney, Alan Hayes, Tami Strong

Sign up to attend:


Saturday Morning 
9:00am – 1:00pm – Alpine Update and Review of the Timing & Calculation information teaching material.  This is for both people who will be testing and for people who want to learn more about timing.
1:00 – 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 – 3:30pm Hands on Timing “Practical Cases”

Sunday Morning 9:00am 

  • Testing for Level 1 T&C
  • Testing for Level 3 T&C

Questions?  Contact Tami Strong

Jackson Referee AO clinic Nov. 17

Jackson will hold an Alpine officials clinic on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2018, at 4 p.m. in the Snow King Lodge Room.

A continuing education update and Referee course will be taught. Testing will be available in Referee and Jury Advisor.

Folks who are new to Alpine officiating, who have no classification in any of the specialty areas of officiating, must complete the required Online Competition Official course and exam available on Alpine 101. Attendees must also be Alpine Official members of U.S. Ski & Snowboard.

Be prepared with pen or pencil and paper for taking notes and have your Competition Guide with you for learning and testing purposes. The Comp Guide can be downloaded from this website and it is sent to AO members.

Please RSVP to Branko Zagar,